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Thursday, September 27, 2007

How to Use Post--Its to Maintain No Contact!

Dear broken hearted girl,

When you're going through a break up, it can be hard to be 'alone' after you've been best friends with a special man for a certain amount of time. No matter how supportive your friends & family are, you are almost certain to have set-backs.

Don't blame yourself. It happens to everyone. Head to to read stories from other women!

One exercise I recommend is to place post-it notes in certain places to help you remember why you shouldn't contact him. Maybe he said something pretty hateful to you? Maybe he has a habit that you can't stand? Maybe he cheated on you? Whatever it was, remembering it can help you remain far away from him. Forgiveness is a virtue, but never forget.

Here are places you can use and keep post-its to help you retain your promise to yourself to keep away:

(1) On your computer! Of course that's the easiest way to contact him and the least personal. Put post-its on your screen if you can (and if not then in a drawer next to your computer) as reminders of his 'jerkiness.'

(2) On your mirror - but instead of reminders of him - put good affirmations that you can repeat to yourself, or quotes Edith Wharton. Whatever it is, it should be there when you look in the mirror first thing in the morning, to remind yourself of your inner & outer beauty...and most importantly...give you strength.

(3) Your front door. I know that may sound silly, but it works. Instead of writing down words, you can use it as a ticker. Before I went to bed every night, I would give myself a tick on the post-it for making it through the day without contacting him. Not only was it rewarding for my psyche, but it was also very satisfying when all of the ticks starting adding up. And then, when I would get weak, I'd think about having to take that post-it, rip it down and then start a new (blank) one. That helped me keep away.

Eventually, you will get over your urges to text, email and call him. Until then, do what you can to get through it! You are strong & beautiful broken hearted girl. We'll get you healed yet!



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