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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Warning Signs That He Ain't The One

Warning Signs That He Ain't The One: "It's a good thing fires produce smoke, so we have some sort of early warning system of impending danger, don't you think? Smoke tells you there's fire, which means you need to get out of the way, and sooner rather than later, I might add. Because fire isn't just hot -- why, it can burn you, can't it? It can even scar you for life and destroy everything you hold dear. I don't think I need to hammer this home any further, do I? It's blooming obvious, isn't it?
But not when it comes to relationships, apparently.
Warning signs in relationships are no less obvious, yet we seem completely oblivious! Every single one of the samples I'm including below, I've received in e-mails -- many times over. How can it not be obvious that something is not altogether ideal in these relationships? Perhaps it's because we don't actually see them as red flags. Well, if that is indeed the case, I shall provide you with a handy guide as to WHY these things are cause for alarm and why they should bother you -- a lot. "

Although he professes love over the phone and you’ve visited him, he has never visited you. - If he really, really cares, wild horses shouldn’t be able to keep him away -- unless he’s stationed overseas, of course. But even if your relationship has to be long distance, there has to be some initiative on his part to see you -- and call you. If it’s all one-sided now, I can promise you it will NEVER get any better.


  • At 6:39 AM, Blogger MJ said…

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