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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

New Year. New You.

I've had a difficult past few weeks to say the least. I was almost kidnapped in a cab and a friend of mine was robbed. I've been laid off from my job and my parents are getting ill.

I'm not particularly religious, but I did start feeling "wrong" and depressed with the world. Instead of just ignoring all of these events occuring around my world, I decided to sit and talk them out...admit my faults...and make a pact with myself that I am going to change for the better this year.

In reality, events like these really change your life. Men come and go. You have to admit that in every relationship you have, there's a strong possibility that it will end. Even when you get married to's not as if you 'live happily ever after.' Relationships take work. They take time. And most importantly they involve trust.

When you're feeling as if you can't cope with your life because a boyfriend or husband is missing, I want you to think hard about the things in your life that you DO have. The things you have control over. You have shelter, you have health, you may have children whom you adore, and you may have family and friends to rely upon.

Even though despair can take over your life at times, you have to listen to that little voice in your head that tells you "I CAN GET THROUGH THIS." You've done it before kiddo, in EVERY boyfriend/girlfriend relationship you've ever had. It's a part of life...and although everyone gets through the pain in their own way...know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. : )

For me, it was this awakening that I could have been hurt in that cab the day after Christmas. It was the fact that my friend was robbed at gunpoint and he could have been killed. I don't live in a horrible town - in fact - it's the suburbs, but I'm slowly learning that life isn't that terrible. I'm living for the moment. I'm appreciating the happy moments, no matter how short they may be.

Try to apply this to the feelings you're having now. Remember that you can get through this and life could really be so much worse.

That's my vibe for today. Just happy to be alive. Thought I'd share it with you.



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