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Monday, October 15, 2007

Virtual Relationships

Dear Broken Hearted Girl,

A man emailed me the other day letting me know that he broke up with his g/f via text message. When he inevitably regretted his decision to break up with her, he texted her a couple of days later with the following message: “I’m sorry I broke up with you. Please call me or email me so we can discuss. I don’t want to lose you.” She replied via text: “I want to try to strengthen our relationship, but I’m not sure how to go about it.”

It has been three days and the two have still not spoken in ‘reality.’ Neither knows whether they are even back together.

The male indicated that initially their relationship was all phone calls and dates, however, as both become immersed in their jobs, they began communicating more and more in virtual reality. It seems as if this has spilled over into the actual emotional communication in the relationship and neither is comfortable speaking with one another face-to-face about critical issues anymore.

Don’t let this happen to you in your next relationship!

I have let this happen in my life. It took recognizing this trend in order for me to make changes. Now when I date, I always make a point of calling someone instead of texting. It makes the relationship more personal and it seems to keep the relationship exciting, as I find myself more excited about hearing his voice than reading his words. I still text, don’t get me wrong, but I try to make the extra effort by speaking with him, even if it’s not exactly convenient at the moment.

Relationships are about communication, so try to communicate as best you can when you find someone to ‘communicate’ with.

- MJ


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