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Thursday, January 17, 2008

BrokenHeartedGirl reads BitterSingleGuy

Dear BrokenHeartedGirl,

I was doing some research on the web today about relationships and I found this website. I think it's my "brother website!"

In any case, I found this article about dating and I thought it would help those of you that are moving on. Don't be frustrated when you're dating again. Men and women both - check out this site It's great!

Feel better!


Why Are You So Bitter?

The Bitter Single Guy answers the question:
"Why are you so bitter?"

The Bitter Single Guy's mom, on seeing his web site, was concerned by his apparent terminal bitterness. With the hope to ease the concern of his readers (and his mom), he has prepared the following explanation:

"Have you ever owned an old frying pan? One that you've had for years, from which the non-stick surface is flaking, and which has remnants of pancake batter stuck to the bottom? This is definitely not the frying pan you would use for preparing an elegant dinner party, but when you're home alone, and having grilled cheese for dinner again, nothing works quite like that frying pan, right?

Well, the Bitter Single Guy is that frying pan. He is not representative of all my cookware, but there are times where nothing else is appropriate.

When out on a first date, I, like most folks, am optimistic and eager to get to know my date better. First dates can be wonderful and in those moments I would deny the existence of that old frying pan (and the Bitter Single Guy) to anyone.

But then, sometimes, in the course of the date, I hear that my date's former boyfriend was completely unjustified in taking out that restraining order, and that my date 'doesn't see why TWO people in a relationship should have to work, right?'

About then, I go home and get out that frying pan.

This web site is the public incarnation of the frying pan that is the Bitter Single Guy. When I am particularly critical of my species and believe that being single is TRULY preferable to whatever idiot I have just encountered, then I get out that frying pan.

But, fear not, I have LOTS of other cookware."


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