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Friday, January 25, 2008

Will he ever change?

Dear BrokenHeartedGirl,

Someone emailed me today asking me if her boyfriend would ever change. He has apparently "tried to change," but has never come full circle. They've broken up 5 times in 3 years.

According to her, he hasn't cheated on her. This need for change stems from the fact that he's immature, a poor planner and easily distracted by his guy friends. They'll make plans, she'll wait for him to pick her up and he just won't show up because he just "forgot." Sometimes, she claims, she'll show up at his place only to find him sleeping.

And she just wants him to be a "normal" boyfriend.

I feel for you girl.

So I decided to google "will he ever change?" And over 472,000,000 websites came up.


Looks like she's not the only one who wants their boyfriend to change.

So answer these questions:

Has he ever taken full responsibility for his actions? (not taking half the blame, but ALL of it).

Do the SAME problems always come up, or do they vary from break up to break up?

Do you think he just needs to grow up?

Get the answers to those questions. And search all 472,000,000 pages for answers specific to your situation. Then either try again, or buy the BreakUp Workbook.

Feel better!


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