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Monday, July 09, 2007

The Office in a Post-Breakup World

Dear BrokenHeartedGirl,

I understand that the last thing you'd like to do after getting dumped is to go to work with a 'can-do' attitude and a smile on your face, but remember - your job is your livelihood and it is proof-positive that you control your life; not your ex.

Before you retire for the evening before work, write in your journal. When finished, take some deep breaths, close your eyes, and envision the next day at work. See yourself working hard, accomplishing tasks and making your team more successful and productive. Imagine yourself waking up early, getting ready quickly and arriving to work on time. Being punctual will severely reduce your stress levels in the morning and will contribute to a good working day.

AVOID your personal email accounts, MySpace, text messages and any other means where you may encounter messages or invoke memories of your ex while in the office. Concentrate on work emails, work phone calls and team members. The more you limit yourself to the possibiity of opening fresh wounds (or pouring some lemon juice in established wounds!) the more likely you will be successful in getting through the day sans tears. Try to keep in mind that you can cry as soon as you return home for the evening.

While in the office, avoid a lot of caffeine as this is a stimulant and may add to stress or anxiety. If feeling anxious, take a walk around the office to clear your mind (indoors or out of doors). If you can't leave your desk, then take a moment to stand up and stretch. You will be amazed at how little stretching is required to feel the desired effect. Stretching will help relieve tension and will give you a moment to clear your mind.

Finally, remember to take one day at a time. Don't look at the big picture immediately or it may seem overwhelming.

Visualize your day the night before and do whatever it takes to stick to your vision. The end result will be worth it. Not only will you be taking a step toward securing your future as the sole breadwinner of a household, but you will also be taking a very important step toward getting over your ex.

Visit to post your story and meet other women who will be willing to "take the step" with you.


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