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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Are you dating a grown up?

Dear Broken Hearted Girl,

When you're searching for a boyfriend or a girlfriend, it's not uncommon to look for someone with a sense of humor and a free spirit. But is this person a mature pillar on which you can lean, or a child in an adult's body?

Answer these questions to assess your situation:

Does he make plans and ditch you on a consistent basis?

Does his idea of dating consist of showing up on your doorstep at 2am?

Does he sleep over? If so, does he take you to breakfast the next day, or just take off?

Does he avoid the "relationship" talk?

Does he call you his girlfriend?

Did he lie about his age when he met you? (men that see themselves as 'young' generally don't want to admit that they are pushing 40. They'd rather present themselves as 36).

Have you met his parents? Better yet, has he even moved out of his parents' house?

Does he drive a car he can't afford?

Check out your answers to these he the kind of guy you want to marry? Or is he the kind of man you can have fun with while you're looking for the guy you want to marry? Whatever the case, recognize the relationship for what it is.

An if you're unhappy, break it off.

Feel better!



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