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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

How to Get Your Ex Back - SCAMS

Getting an ex back is not a science. It's emotional and physical. This is why one should avoid websites and books that allege that a particular program will definitely remedy a breakup.

1). Every relationship and every break up is unique. It is unreasonable to assume that every single person in the world can get their ex to want to resume a relationship.

2) Employing a psychic can be uplifting if you believe in the spiritual realm; however, all advice by a psychic will not be correct, no matter how great he/she is. Do not put all of your eggs into this basket.

3) A lot of the books that tell a person how to get back together with their ex employ strategies that are not necessarily "nice." i.e.:

-Leaving a message, waiting for a return phone call and then NOT RETURNING a call after he leaves a message.
-Scaring him back into your life. "I'm pregnant! I have cancer!" When you're not at all experiencing those conditions.
-Being a "bitch" when you see him in public, in hopes that he will think you are over him, realize that he misses you and will call you as soon as he gets home.
-Holding on to his stuff so he absolutely has to make arrangements to visit your home, whereby you can start reminiscing about old times and lure him into bed. (These books actually have scripts for this kind of dubious act).

It is important to remember that employing these kinds of plans and using them against an ex is unscrupulous. In fact, these tactics may be against your inherent principles. These strategies can prove detrimental in that they make you appear more desperate in your ex's eyes.

So stay away from these tactics, be yourself, and try to move along. If he really wants you back, then he will come back to you on his own. Then it's YOUR decision as to whether you wish to continue the relationship and you will be proud to realize that he is coming back to you of his own volition and not because you tried to pull one of these scams on him.


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