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Friday, December 14, 2007

Famous Text Message Breakups

Dear Broken Hearted Girl,

It's happened to you or someone you know. The awful text message breakup. These days, it's just a normal way of conversing with someone. Heck, I just moved to Boston from Michigan and most of the time I only speak with my friends through email or text messages. It's just 'the norm.'

But that's just sad.

I personally believe that the text message is the "new" emotional disconnect. It's another means to add confusion to dysfunctional relationships. Text breakups are just another way to avoid confrontation. When these types of breakups occur, they can lead to pent-up frustrations and emotions that never reach their true destination - HIS EARS! And if you can't get your feelings to reach his ears, you won't reach a true catharsis.

Sometimes a couple just needs to yell at one another and have it out before they can completely walk away. It's called closure and it's not a new concept. It seems that people these days are having such a hard time letting go of their ex's that they end up obsessing over the break up. Then begins the texting, IM-ing and emailing of their ex's constantly - just because they want to know "why." And when they do not receive their answers, they end up completely focusing on the relationship, why they may have been to blame and how they can fix the problem. It's such an unhealthy cycle.

I wish I had the power to stop it.

I think that after you share months to years of your life (and your bed!) with someone, it's not too much to ask to have a face-to-face conversation with your ex before he walks away forever. It'll only leave you full of answers (although still completely miserable) and more information to allow you to come to a resolution and the ability to walk away from the relationship.

But that's just my opinion. I feel so strongly about it because it's happened to a lot of women on my site ( and they can't seem to move on because they can't get closure. It's hard to see.

So if it has happened to you, know that you're not alone...and for are a few famous text message breakups:


-Britney broke up with K-Fed in a text message in 2006.
-Adam Levine broke up with Jessica Simpson in a text message in 2006 citing, "Need Space."
-Prince Harry & Chelsy broke up in November apparently because of text messages he had sent to another woman.

So, not only has text messaging become a primary form of communication and a primary form of breaking up with someone, but it is now also a new way to cheat on someone.

Is texting cheating?

Feel better!


  • At 7:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    back in december i had been with this guy for a month. the day b4 his birthday i txtd him asking wut he wantd. his reply: idk can we be frnds. i was bummed for s bit but i didnt break down. after all it was jst one month. then we both went on with our lives. i got a new boyfriend and he got some new girlfriend. then nearly a month aftr tht we r both single again and we get back 2gethr. (thnkully he askd me out in person). four month we were 2gthr this time around and i had fallen in love with him. he always seemed in love with me 2. on monday he told me that i was THE perfect gurl for him and that he loved me more than anything in the world. then two days l8r TWO DAYS. he breaks up with me in a txt msg not but 5 minutes aftr making out with me in the halls of our skool saying tht he did not have feeings for me. he has since tried to make me the bad guy but every person that knew us both is siding with me bc they kno the bs hes saying is... well... bs.


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