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Thursday, August 09, 2007

Get Off Your "Excuse!"

Dear Broken Hearted Girl,

If it's been over a year since your break up, then you're probably either making a fabulous transition into a single, sexy, healthy woman...or you're making excuses.

Get off your "excuse" and get back into your own skin!

Don't kid yourself, getting over someone IS a lot of hard work. But some people avoid the work and go straight to faking it, because they don't want to face the truth - the relationship is over. When a person avoids the self-evaluation, the unanswered questions and avoids acknowledging the absolute devastation a break up has done to ravage her soul, she ends up faking her recovery and avoiding recuperation.

Think about it. Do you do any of these things to fake your way into thinking you're over him? :

-You put on a fake smile and go dancing with your girlfriends, only to rush to your bed to bury your face in your pillow and cry your eyes out.
-You fake sick often and call into work with the intention to stay home and wallow in your depression.
-You call him and hang up just to hear his voice.
-You make out with or sleep with men that you do not actually want to be with - just because you think doing so will allow you to get over your ex more quickly.

Making excuses are the easiest ways to avoid extending the efforts required to heal your soul. You absolutely must find a way to face the fact that the relationship is over and it will never be again. You must find a way to close the holes that are in your heart by answering them on your own. You must find a way to realize that you are a beautiful, worthy, lovely woman that deserves to love and be loved again.

Here are some options to consider if you find that you’ve been faking it for too long:

-Speak with a friend or family member about how you’re REALLY feeling.
-Make an appointment to visit a therapist if you feel you need one.
-Visit with your doctor if you feel that you’re depressed and may need some medicinal help to get through this period in your life.
-Get in touch with your spirit; through church, yoga, nature or temple. Partake in something that allows you to realize that the world is much bigger than you & your ex.

Stop making excuses. Begin the work necessary to truly get over your ex and move on with your life in a healthy, honest and wonderful manner.


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