Break Up Advice from

Break up advice - The BreakUp Workbook is about Break ups and how to recover from one. has Relationship advice about breakups, making it through a break up, how to mend a broken heart, divorce, therapy, break up help, breakup advice.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

BreakUp Workbook kudos...

I thought this was a nice email, so I'm sharing it with all of you whom are thinking of getting the book! : )

Feel better!

...thank you. best book and money well spent. wish i had it 2 years ago so that i didn't have to go through all the bs...

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Dear BrokenHeartedGirl,

Have you ever decided to take a hiatus from dating? And if you have done it, did you set time parameters, or did you just wander aimlessly until you met someone noteworthy?

Looking back on my life, I have taken a hiatus from dating every now and again to ‘focus on myself,’ but I have never set time parameters. I think every time I’ve met someone interesting while I’ve been on hiatus, I’ve just ended my hiatus and dated the guy without a second thought.

So this time it’s going to be different. This time I am going to set a deadline. I am going to remain ‘focused’ on me until I get the hard copy of my book published and up on Don’t congratulate me, it’s not THAT long from now – just a few months – but I do need a hiatus. I think the drama of dating is draining me.

Feel better!


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008

Text messages and relationships...

I am bad at relationships. Anybody that knows me or has read my blog or my forum or even my website knows this. But it's not ALWAYS my fault. Sometimes things just don't "work out." And I understand that there are times where it's okay to cut your losses after a few dates. After all, if I'm dating someone that I don't see myself marrying, I will end it. And vice versa, believe me. A lot of times I will try to give the guy the benefit of the doubt, but sometimes you just have a gut instinct about it. In those cases, I will talk to the guy - at least on the phone and say, "Hey, I think it's better if we are friends..." I feel like if you've only gone on 2 or 3 dates with someone (and haven't been overtly physical) that it's okay to at least try to make the transition. But maybe that's just me.

So there you go. I will TALK to the guy and end it if I need to. I don't text. I don't email. I don't just fall off the face of the earth. I just do it. It's not that hard...

So why is it that recently I have heard and seen and read about all kinds of people dumping one another on email or via text? Why is it that everyone I know has a relationship that is dictated through text messages? Doesn't anyone talk on the phone any more? Does everyone hide behind their electronic devices to avoid intimacy?

And old do you think someone should be before they are required to break up with someone in person or on the phone? 25? 30? 35?

Or is it acceptable to tell someone in a text or email that "it won't work out...for xyz reason?" No matter what your age?
