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Break up advice - The BreakUp Workbook is about Break ups and how to recover from one. has Relationship advice about breakups, making it through a break up, how to mend a broken heart, divorce, therapy, break up help, breakup advice.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Warning Signs That He Ain't The One

Warning Signs That He Ain't The One: "It's a good thing fires produce smoke, so we have some sort of early warning system of impending danger, don't you think? Smoke tells you there's fire, which means you need to get out of the way, and sooner rather than later, I might add. Because fire isn't just hot -- why, it can burn you, can't it? It can even scar you for life and destroy everything you hold dear. I don't think I need to hammer this home any further, do I? It's blooming obvious, isn't it?
But not when it comes to relationships, apparently.
Warning signs in relationships are no less obvious, yet we seem completely oblivious! Every single one of the samples I'm including below, I've received in e-mails -- many times over. How can it not be obvious that something is not altogether ideal in these relationships? Perhaps it's because we don't actually see them as red flags. Well, if that is indeed the case, I shall provide you with a handy guide as to WHY these things are cause for alarm and why they should bother you -- a lot. "

Although he professes love over the phone and you’ve visited him, he has never visited you. - If he really, really cares, wild horses shouldn’t be able to keep him away -- unless he’s stationed overseas, of course. But even if your relationship has to be long distance, there has to be some initiative on his part to see you -- and call you. If it’s all one-sided now, I can promise you it will NEVER get any better.

Breaking Up Classy: Take the High Road When Telling Him to Take a Hike

Breaking Up Classy: Take the High Road When Telling Him to Take a Hike: "The hottest love has the coldest end." - Socrates

When you met him you were sure he was the one. Thinking of him would make you smile from ear to ear. His unique characteristics were endearing. His distinctive habits were sexy, his sense of style reckless and his self-confidence could only be described as cool."

Monday, November 14, 2005

Break Up 911 - BreakUp Workbook - Break ups -

Break Up 911

Request a sample chapter.

Read the sample chapters and start on the exercises.

Then buy The BreakUp Workbook.

While you deal with pain of your current situation & complete the exercises in the workbook, you can:

Log into the forum & share your story with other brokenheartedgirls.

Listen to empowering songs (not break up songs!).

"I Will Survive" - Gloria Gaynor
"Fighter" - Christine Aguilera
"Believe" - Cher
"Real Love" - Mary J. Blige
"The Middle" - Jimmy Eat World

Throw away - or put away - lingerie that reminds you of him. You know - the panties you wore on your first date, that wonderbra that he loved... You don't need a daily reminder of those memories rightnow.

Create physical distance between you and your ex. If you work with him, see him at school, or live next door to him, make sure you change your schedule a bit so you don't run into him as often as you normally would. Don't go to the usual places where he hangs out.

Look through your old photo albums. Remember that you were happy once upon a time without him. Remind yourself that you can be happy without him again.

Call your parents, a favorite aunt, or an old friend.

Write in your journal.

Block him from your email !
Take him off your buddy list!